How to learn golang

The Go programming language was borne because things were getting much more complex in the codebases within Google. It was designed by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson, who all reportedly have a shared dislike for C++. Go was announced to the public in 2009, and it was made open source in 2012 when its first version, 1.0, was released. Go quickly rose in popularity and became many developers' first choice due to its simplicity, readability, efficiency, and concurrent nature. Concurrent means that it can run multiple tasks at the same time. Go is used for server-side (backend) programming, game development, cloud-based programming, and even Data Science. It is also popular for making command-line tools. Today, many tech giants use Go like Google, Netflix, Twitch, Ethereum, Dropbox, Kubernetes, Docker, Heroku, and lots more. There’s no surprise that the likes of Kubernetes, Docker, and Heroku are using Go because cloud-based programming is one of the main reasons why Go was designed.